Changing blog hosts
Sometime on Tuesday, December 20, I'm planning on changing my blog host (there will be a post on the new host about the switch once it's happened). All the URLs for posts should continue to work,including the feed URL (if you follow me through Planet Python then don't worry, I'll update them once the switch has occurred). If . . .
Why I took October off from OSS volunteering
And what I'm doing to not make the vacation permanent
On October 1, 2016, I stopped volunteering for open source projects -- including Python -- for a month. While I still did open source work for Python as part of my job, I spent absolutely zero time helping any project outside of work (so no evenings, no weekends). This was the first major break I have taken from Python development since I . . .
Posted in: open sourcepython
What to look for in a new TV
Or, I've spent the past 2 years researching a new TV & this is what I learned
I'm kind of an A/V nerd. Now I'm not hardcore enough to have a vinyl collection or have an amp for my TV, but all my headphones cost over $100 and I have a Sonos Playbar so I don't have to put up with crappy TV speakers. What I'm trying to say is that I care about the A/V equipment I use, but not to the extent that money is no . . .
Posted in: audio/videotechnology
Introducing Which Film
For those times when you can't agree on what movie to watch
What I'm announcing
Today I'm happy to announce the public unveiling of Which Film! I'll discuss how the site came about and what drives it, but I thought I would first explain what it does: it's a website to help you choose what movie you and your family/friends should watch together. What you do is you go to the . . .
Posted in: programmingwhich film
Network protocols, sans I/O
(Hopefully) the future of network protocols in Python
Back in February I started taking a serious look at asynchronous I/O thanks to async
. One of the things that led to me to looking into this area was when I couldn't find an HTTP/1.1 library that worked with async
. A little surprised by this, I went looking for an HTTP header parser so that I could do the asynchronous I/O . . .
(Attempting) practical password management
Or, geez is proper security a pain!
Why the hell do I care about security?
Bad people exist out there; it sucks, but there it is. That means you need to take precautionary measures to make sure that bad people can't get at your stuff. In terms of your online stuff, that means passwords. Lots of passwords. Lost of sufficiently complex passwords. Lots and lots of . . .
Why pathlib.Path doesn't inherit from str in Python
Or, implicit compatibility is usually not a good thing
Over on python-ideas a discussion has broken out about somehow trying to make p'/some/path/to/a/file
return an instance of pathlib.Path
. This led to a splinter discussion as to why pathlib.Path
doesn't inherit from str
? I figured instead of burying my response to this question in the thread I'd blog about it to try and explain one . . .
Posted in: programmingpython
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